Reporter mappings

In order to change the Reporter Mappings, select the Reporter tab in the Project Settings window.

Reporter Mappings

An explanation of the Reporter tab is provided below.

Field Description
Map by Select which mapping to use to look up the reporter when creating or updating issues. If there is a mapping with Direction pointing to JIRA, it is always that mapping. If all mappings are pointing to MS Project, the 'Map by' mapping can be any of them.
Full name Tick the option to synchronise the reporter name in JIRA with a field in MS Project.
Direction Button Press the button to change the direction of synchronisation.

Select the task field to map to the name of the reporter.

Import:The selected task field will be populated with the name of the reporter for the source issue.

Sync (unlinked task): If the mapping is marked as 'Map by', the Reporter for the new issue will be set to the user whose name matches the value of the selected task field.

Sync (linked task): If the synchronisation direction is from JIRA to MS Project, the selected task field will be set to the Reporter's name.

If the synchronisation direction is from MS Project to JIRA, the Reporter for the issue will be set to the user whose name matches the value of the selected task field.

E-mail Tick the option to synchronise the reporter e-mail in JIRA with a field in MS Project.
Direction Button Press the button to change the direction of synchronisation.

Select the task field to map to the e-mail of the reporter.

Import: The selected task field will be populated with the e-mail of the reporter for the source issue.

Sync (unlinked task): If the mapping is marked as 'Map by', the Reporter for the new issue will be set to the user whose e-mail matches the value of the selected task field.

Sync (linked task): If the synchronisation direction is from JIRA to MS Project, the selected task field will be set to the Reporter's e-mail.

If the synchronisation direction is from MS Project to JIRA, the Reporter for the issue will be set to the user whose e-mail matches the value of the selected task field.

Account Id (JIRA Cloud) Tick the option to synchronise the reporter Account Id in JIRA with a field in MS Project. Do not use this option for JIRA Server as it does not support Account Id.
Direction Button Press the button to change the direction of synchronisation.

Select the task field to map to the Account Id of the reporter.

Import: The selected task field will be populated with the Account Id of the reporter for the source issue.

Sync (unlinked task): If the mapping is marked as 'Map by', the Reporter for the new issue will be set to the user whose Account Id matches the value of the selected task field.

Sync (linked task): If the synchronisation direction is from JIRA to MS Project, the selected task field will be set to the Reporter's Account Id.

If the synchronisation direction is from MS Project to JIRA, the Reporter for the issue will be set to the user whose Account Id matches the value of the selected task field.

Username (JIRA Server) Tick the option to synchronise the reporter Username (login) in JIRA with a field in MS Project. Do not use this option for JIRA Cloud as the field is deprecated in that edition of JIRA and will not be available from April 2019.
Direction Button Press the button to change the direction of synchronisation.

Select the task field to map to the Username of the reporter.

Import: The selected task field will be populated with the Username of the reporter for the source issue.

Sync (unlinked task): If the mapping is marked as 'Map by', the Reporter for the new issue will be set to the user whose Username matches the value of the selected task field.

Sync (linked task): If the synchronisation direction is from JIRA to MS Project, the selected task field will be set to the Reporter's Username.

If the synchronisation direction is from MS Project to JIRA, the Reporter for the issue will be set to the user whose Username matches the value of the selected task field.

Only one of the mappings can update JIRA

Updating JIRA Reporter by Full Name or E-mail is slower than updating by Account Id or Username because in these cases Ceptah Bridge needs to look up the user in JIRA first.