
When any of the main Ceptah Bridge commands are executed for the first time, the activation window opens:

Ceptah Bridge Activation

You can also open the above window by selecting JIRA > About and clicking Activate:

Activate Ceptah Bridge from menu

To start evaluation

  • If you don't have an account on the Ceptah website, enter your details in the first group of fields and press "Activate". This will create a new account on the Ceptah website, which can be used in the future to purchase and manage licenses for Ceptah products.

  • if you already have a Ceptah account but don't have a trial serial key, enter your e-mail and password in the second group of fields to start a trial.

  • If you already have a trial serial key, enter it in the third group of fields to start using the product.

If you have a production serial key, enter it in the third group of fields to start using the product.

If you are using a proxy server to connect to the Internet, press "Proxy Server" and enter the proxy parameters.

Ceptah Bridge Activation - Proxy settings

An Internet connection is required for the activation to be successful.