Close issues

To check for resolved issues matching the tasks in your project, select JIRA > Close Issues in the main menu.

Close issues menu item

The following window will appear.

Close issues window

The list contains resolved issues.

Click the hyperlink to go the page of an issue in JIRA.

To close an issue, click the hyperlink in the respective row. This will direct you to the Close issue page for the issue in JIRA. Close the issue using the page. When you return to the Bridge form, the status of the issue will be updated.

To reopen an issue, click the hyperlink in the respective row. This will direct you to the “Reopen issue” page for the issue in JIRA. Reopen the issue using the page. When you return to the Bridge form, the status of the issue will be updated.

To refresh the status of a row, press the hyperlink.

To update the list press the Refresh button.